Blog Post #3

Keeping your home clean is an ongoing task. Spills, messes, dust, dirt, and stains are a part of everyday life. No matter how careful you are, you can’t avoid them. So make sure you’re prepared for them by having a few essential cleaning supplies on hand. Some of them may seem obvious, and some not so much, but here’s what we recommend:

  • Vacuum cleaner: This tool is a must-have for every home. Dirt, dust, pet hairs and more all get tracked into your home and accumulate very quickly. Whether you have carpeting or bare floors, or a combination, a vacuum removes these pesky items quickly and easily. For baseboards, furniture, and stairs, a smaller, handheld vacuum (sometimes called a ‘dustbuster’) is ideal and easier to use.
  • Broom and dustpan: This duo is a must-have for non-carpeted floors, inside or out. They do a great job removing dirt, dust, pet fur, and any other flotsam that gets tracked into your home and builds up over time.
  • Rubber gloves: Protect your hands from harsh chemicals with a set of heavy duty, inexpensive rubber gloves. Great when you’re scrubbing walls, cleaning baseboards – anything that requires hot water and harsh detergents or cleansers.
  • Bucket: Although it’s not always necessary for your cleaning jobs, you’ll be glad you have one when the need arises. And it will. Buckets are inexpensive, and when you’re not using them for cleaning, they make a great ‘caddy’ to store your cleaning supplies and carry them around the house.
  • Soft, microfiber cloths: Soft, non-abrasive microfiber cloths are ideal for many cleaning needs. They’re especially good for glass and stainless steel surfaces because they don’t leave scratches behind when you clean with them. Buy several, keep them handy, and just toss them into the wash with your towels to keep them clean.
  • Toilet brush and holder: Giving your toilet bowl a quick scrub every couple of days will help keep it clean and bright. Toilet brushes are readily available and inexpensive, But they will pay dividends when it comes to preventing stain build up on the porcelain surface of your toilet. And you can place them unobtrusively behind the bowl, under the tank against the wall.
  • Cleaning solutions: Modern cleaning and disinfecting requires more than just water. You’ll want to have a few specific cleaning solutions on hand to make the job go smoother and faster. These should include:
    • An all-purpose, multi-surface cleaner
    • A glass cleaner for windows and glass tabletops
    • Wood cleaner that will clean wood surfaces without damaging the finish
    • Antibacterial spray (or wipes) to disinfect, sanitize, and kill germs, especially in bathrooms and on kitchen counters
    • Toilet bowl cleaner to disinfect and clean stains, preferably the thick, viscous type that will cling to the bowl
    • White vinegar, good for quick cleanups, dissolving grease, and removing dirt
    • Baking soda. While it isn’t a ‘cleaner’ on its own, it does a great job absorbing and lifting odors from carpets and garbage disposals. You can keep an open container in the refrigerator to keep it smelling fresh
    • If you have pets, you’ll also want a cleaning solution specifically formulated to remove urine and feces stains and neutralize pet odors